I recently began editing and it was difficult as I forgot how to work the app and all of its settings/features. It took me a while to download the videos since my wifi was down but I managed to restart the router. I also took the time to watch videos on how to use editing apps so I could become familiar with all the tools. I used links such as: https://wevideo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/215518787-How-do-I-trim-a-clip-and-close-the-gaps-
These helped me work around the app and use various tools to my advantage. I also took the time to communicate with my fellow peers to see how they’ve overcome their obstacles and if they have any commentary on my current ideas or to see if there's anything I should alter. I also told my fellow classmates on issues I’m currently having and if they have any techniques to work/solve them. It has been very helpful as most have given good feedback and have responded quickly.
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