Wednesday, February 26, 2020


For my project, I decided that I would get a close friend of mine to help me with the camera for filming and I plan on shooting Tuesday and Wednesday after school. For one of my beginning shots, I’m planning on incorporating a tombstone to show the death of the protagonist and I’m currently struggling to figure out how to create one. I researched online on how to do it yourself and I came across this two minute video that demonstrated how to do one.
I’m planning that by the end of this week I will have gone to my local craft store and that next week hopefully, I will have already  finished the tombstone. For the scene incorporating the tombstone I’m planning going to Markham park, and doing a close up or dolly zoom of it. A problem that I’m currently experiencing with my project is that I can’t seem to decide how I want to start it. I’m debating whether to begin with the protagonist dying and unnatural events begin to occur after her mourning or to begin with the future and later move on to the past. For example, to begin with scenes of unnatural events occuring and then towards the end going a week back in time to demonstrate how the main character passed away. I got this recent idea from watching “Annabelle Comes Home,” in which the film begins by displaying one of the main characters in the later future in trouble. 
Resultado de imagen para annabelle comes home

Upon watching this film, I conducted more research on information about the film to see how well it did. In the box office it made a total of 231.3 million USD. Moreover, a gross in USA of $74,152,591 according to I’m still undecided about how I want to conduct my film but, I have the plot coming together.

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My Creative Critical Reflection

Thanks for watching!! Hope you enjoy!!!